Software Development
A wealth of software development experience - knowing the best way to get things done
Serversure have been developing software for over 30 years - our first commercial contract involved working on an ICL mainframe converting some old COBOL and Filetab code (the run jobs for which were still typed out on punched cards!). Obviously hardware and software has moved on a lot since then and we've seen numerous languages come and go in the popularity stakes. We've worked on everything from the Unix staples of C and Perl, through object orientation with C++ and Java, web CGI languages like PHP and Python and of course the seemingly unstoppable rise of Javascript - now seemingly just as popular for server-side development as it is for browsers.
Although fashions change, a lot of the same programming concepts are rediscovered again and again. For example the trendy spread operator in Javascript ES6 does much the same thing as MOVE CORRESPONDING from 1960s COBOL. The functional programming approach in the Redux state management library used in React and elsewhere follows in the footseteps of LISP developed back in the 1950s.
So how can we help you?
We like where possible to avoid reinventing the wheel. We've probably already done something like what you want doing, or if not then there will be open source solutions available that provide a similar enough starting point. Now that everything's online theres no need to wait for the latest CPAN or MSDN CD (remember those?!) for the latest goodies to arrive . There are thousands of excellent open source frameworks and libraries available for most common programming languages and thanks to tools like npm and composer it is easy to integrate these with your project and keep them up to date.
We're not a trendy graphic design agency so we tend to work from the back end first. There's no point starting with a fancy layout and then finding out that it doesn't fit in with the way your business works. So we'll look at what existing systems you have, what your users want to get from those systems that they can't get already and then recommend a design approach that fits in with these requirements.
When it comes to the actual coding we can bring in a range of languages and frameworks as required. If you just want a simple dynamic web site then Wordpress and PHP is perfectly adequate, but if you need something more bespoke we can work with whatever technology is needed to bring your project to life. Current favourites include React/Redux for front end web site development and PHP with Symfony or Laravel or Node.js for the back end.
Continuous Integration
CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Development) tools have been around for a while now and are certainly worth considering if you have an evolving site or application.
To manage code releases and the like we still have some bash jobs which have been working away for years, however for more strealined automation we'd recommend Jenkins - an open source application which ties in nicely with Gituhb and other Linux tools and lets you run release procedures automatically including build, test and release phases as needed. This is a Java application but the resource requirements are not too heavy so it will run OK on a virtual server.
If you prefer not to use the public GitHub service we can also offer private git repository hosting for source control (although with dedicated Linux servers this will be something that is there as standard of course). We can also still support older source control software such as Subversion or SCSS if you like.
Whatever your requirements please get in touch for an exploratory discussion.
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Whatever your IT or server requirements contact our experts today for a freee no obligation discussion.